This guide will walk you through completing an instant crypto exchange using Xchange, anonymously and with no signup. An excellent way to acquire Monero
Open in your web browser. If you are using the Tor browser, open their onion.
Select the Cryptocurrencies
On the homepage, you’ll see two dropdown menus for the exchange:
Send: Select the cryptocurrency you want to exchange (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.).
Receive: Select Monero (XMR) as the currency you want to receive (we assume).
In the “Amount” field, enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to exchange for Monero. The service will automatically calculate how much XMR you will receive. Now click the “Exchange” button.
Provide Your Monero Address
You will be asked to provide your Monero wallet address where the exchanged XMR will be sent.
Open your Monero wallet (e.g., Monero GUI, Feather, or any other wallet).
Copy your XMR wallet address (make sure it’s accurate to avoid losing your funds).
Paste your address into the field labeled “Enter your destination address”.
Check the Exchange Rate
Xchange will show you the current exchange rate for the cryptocurrency you are sending and the approximate amount of Monero you will receive.
You can review this information to ensure you are satisfied with the rate.
Confirm the Details
Double-check the amounts, wallet address, and the cryptocurrency you’re sending.
When everything looks correct, click on Exchange to initiate the process.
Send Your Cryptocurrency
You will be provided with a wallet address to send your cryptocurrency to (the address will be displayed on the website).
Go to your cryptocurrency wallet, create a transaction, and send the coins you want to exchange to the address provided. You do not have to send the exact among you entered, any amount above the minimums will be exchanged.
Wait for Confirmation
After you’ve sent your cryptocurrency, the transaction will be processed. This can take some time depending on the network congestion of the cryptocurrencies involved. You don’t have to keep the window open- you can safely close your browser.
Once the transaction is confirmed, Xchange will send the equivalent amount of Monero to your provided XMR address.
Check Your Monero Wallet
After the exchange is completed, open your Monero wallet to verify that the XMR has been deposited. You’re all done! You can use your Monero in total privacy.
Tips for a Smooth Exchange
Double-check your wallet address: Monero wallet addresses are long and complex, so make sure you paste the correct one.
Transaction Fees: There may be network fees associated with both the cryptocurrency you’re sending and the Monero network.
Support: If you encounter any issues, provides customer support, so you can contact them for assistance.
By following these steps, you can easily exchange your cryptocurrency for Monero with no ID, KYC, or registration.